Cheap Shots #104.

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10:30 AM

Assorted “Blah Blah Steroids” Ish: First, Brian McNamee is providing proof that Roger Clemens used steroids and HGH — he says he saved the needles. Oof. Here comes the showdown of epic proportions, and it just got better. Secondly, Kirk Radomski is looking for a lighter sentence after his guilty plea in federal court. His lawyer is citing a need to take care of his daughter plus his participation in the Mitchell Report. [Steroid Nation, ESPN]

Schilling’s Shoulder: Some discrepancies between the Sox’s release and Curt’s own words, apparently. [38 Pitches]

What Do You Expect These Days?: Shawn Marion apparently heard about being dealt to Miami via the ESPN reports. It’s not too surprising. [Arizona Republic, via the Fanhouse]

PETA Is Not Pleased: Yeesh. Pedro Martinez and Juan Marichal were participating in cockfighting in the DR, and let’s say it’s getting some negative attention. You’ve likely seen it, but Deadspin managed to save the video before it was taken off YouTube. [Deadspin]

TMI, Agent Zero, TMI: A graphic description of grooming down there from Gilbert Arenas. [DC Sports Bog]

From Confusion to Scam to Lie: The story of Kevin Hart is a very weird and sad one at the same time, for someone to feel like he had to lie about being recruited and setting up a press conference at his school to announce where he would go to school suggests something more about college recruiting and its nature that makes my stomach turn a lot of the time — also, the need to validate what you’ve done as worthy of that attention. [Washington Post]

Dirty Recruiting Rumor: Mmmm, college coaches stealing 18 and 19-year old men under each other’s noses via questionable methods. [The Commission]

Don’t Think They’ll Be Selling This At Victoria’s Secret: For the oenophile who likes to enjoy her Pinot at the game, there is “The Wine Rack.” [Randball]

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